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• March 7, 2019

Announced: the charities we'll be supporting this year across the UK

Every year, each of our offices nominate a selection of charities that they’d like to support with fundraising over the course of the following 12 months.

Charity 1

Clear's charity commission then makes the final decision on who each office will support. They’ve now reviewed this year’s nominations, and, taking into consideration our stated aim to concentrate on smaller, local charities over the next 12 months, they’ve made their decision.

Our teams across the UK will now begin planning fundraising for their chosen charities, both collectively and individually. They can get an extra day off for volunteering - plus, for each pound they raise, Clear will match it (up to a maximum of £5000).

Watch this space, as we’ll be reporting on their fundraising efforts as they happen on Twitter, LinkedIn and here on the blog. Below, find the full selection of charities we’ll be supporting this year, separated by office:


Cranleigh Office

Chestnut Tree House

is the children’s hospice for East and West Sussex, Brighton and Hove and South East Hampshire and cares for 300 children and young adults from 0-19 years of age with progressive life-shortening conditions. Visit their website here to find out more.


Leamington Office

Myton Hospice

provides specialist palliative and end of life care for the people of Coventry & Warwickshire. Visit their website here to find out more.

Helping Hands Community Project

gives people the support and opportunities to feel better about themselves, be more active in the community and get back into work. They run a soup kitchen offering hot food and a listening ear. We like to give a hand up not just a hand out through new skills, experience and qualifications. Visit their website here to find out more.


London Office

The Grace Dear Trust

is a mental health charity raising money for local schools to train teachers to enable them to spot mental health issues in young children. They also pay for councillors to speak to the children & offer 1 2 1 sessions for those in need. Visit their website here to find out more.

The Lullaby Trust

raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families. Visit their website here to find out more.

Maidstone Office

Hayley's Heroes

offers young adults with cancer and their close family the support they need. Their focus is on raising money to offer young adults with cancer and their close family and friends, a helping hand when they need it the most and let them know that they are not alone in their fight. Visit their website here to find out more.

Homeless Care Ltd

provides a day care centre for homeless people where they can have a hot shower, regular GP clinics, food and practical needs i.e. how to fill in forms and IT. In addition from the same premises they run a food bank and provide a HMO for local people with homeless needs. Visit their website here to find out more.


Spalding Office

FreeKicks Foundation

is a Peterborough based charity whose aim is to provide football-related activities for ill, bereaved and disadvantaged children, to give them a day to remember with their favourite football club. Visit their website here to find out more.

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